Trainborne Interoperable System
MTPS is ECM™'s onboard solution which, thanks to the many innovative technologies adopted, constitute a real platform, meeting the latest requirements from Railway Authorities, in compliance with current ATP regulations. The System various configurations available, have been provided to important Railway Authorities and Manufacturers of trains and operating machinery: they were in a position to appreciate the aspects of modularity and the low cost of their life-cycle.
The system, being designed according to CENELEC regulations and SIL4 validated, in line with the notions of scalability achieved, can implement the following configurations:
The MTPS architecture will allow to achieve some major and important results with respect to equipment installed up to now as independent functional units on trains that operate across the state lines in the countries equipped with the above mentioned systems:
The HW of the system belongs to the MTPS platform and allows the implementation of SSC, SCMT and ETCS functions in different SW versions.
Important cost saving actions on system management were possible by reducing the number of components, allowing the sharing of interfaces towards the track-side signalling, the Driving Staff and the logic of the vehicle, as well as the transmission of non-vital service data from the track to the train. This one, along with the maximization of the asset value, lead to a cost reduction of the vehicle's total life cycle.
As far as product's technical features, we paid our special attention to energy saving actions, exploiting innovative technologies like using the latest CPUs, derived from hand-held devices and smart phones. Furthermore the size and volume reduction was carefully designed for the easiest possible installation which does not require any forced ventilation.
The main components of the MTPS hardware are:
The event recording devices include the presence of:
The system can be interfaced with radio voice equipment with:
Progress Rail Signaling S.p.A.
Via IV Novembre 29
51034, Serravalle Pistoiese
Pistoia, Italy
Partita IVA 00089860472
Tel. +39 0573·1916301
Calata Cattaneo, 15
Edificio Millo,
16128, Genova
Via Quintino Sella, 15
00187, Roma
Carl-Benz-Str. 1
68167 Mannheim