High Wide Load Detector System
Out-of-Gauge rolling stock represents a big risk in case of lines with restricted zones like tunnels and bridges.
The loading gauge provides the size of passenger and freight trains which can be conveyed on a specific section of the railway line. On the other hand, the structure gauge, which is the lowest and narrowest tunnels or bridge, complements the loading gauge which is the tallest and widest vehicle. The gap between the two profiles and some allowance needs to be considered for the dynamic movements of the train (clearance).
The increasing use of trains to move goods and the extensive use of containers has provided a trend to increase the rolling stock loading gauge with obvious implications in terms of risks associated to derailments and collisions.
The High-Wide Detector is composed by several IR sensors sets. Each sensor set is composed by a couple of transmitter/receiver. The sets are mounted on a structure bridge. The position of the sensors on the bridge must be defined based on the loading gauge of the line. Therefore, the detection profile of the system is highly customizable depending on specific customer requirements.
Progress Rail Signaling S.p.A.
Via IV Novembre 29
51034, Serravalle Pistoiese
Pistoia, Italy
Partita IVA 00089860472
Tel. +39 0573·1916301
Calata Cattaneo, 15
Edificio Millo,
16128, Genova
Via Quintino Sella, 15
00187, Roma
Carl-Benz-Str. 1
68167 Mannheim