Supervision and Automation Subsystem
The TMS9 system realizes all SSA (System Supervision Automation) functions, and ensures:
In general, the main objective of this system is to provide the tools for an automatic management of the railway traffic and to support, in abnormal situations, the operators in their traffic choices.
The TMS9 system provides all the command, control and traffic supervision and automation functions:
The TMS9 system can be expanded to include new stations or new line sections. Such expansions are available, depending on the needs of the line operator.
Timetable Management
The timetable update in RFI is realized through the import of VCO. Maintaining this standard, it is possible to have a customized application to allow the operator to import:
Shared Circulation Enviromment (SCE)
The TMS9 system is able to exchange informations on circulation of trains with any system used by the customer.
For lines that do not own an information managing system, it is possible to activate a SCE platform capable of providing the following functions:
Public Information
Through the SCE system, information can be provided to a station system that can maintain up-to-date public information.
Web Public Information
Through the SCE system you can provide information to a web server system to manage user connections.
DC Station
Depending on operational needs, a DC (Coordinating Executive) workstation can be used with the functions:
The system uses independent ring networks one for the system the TMS9 system and one for the ACCM system. The TMS9 system servers are connected in on both networks and provide firewall and redundancy functions. Through a standard protocol, the system communicates with the front ends of the Interlocking system to:
The processors of the TMS9 system are redundant in order to guarantee the continuity of operation even in case of failure.
Progress Rail Signaling S.p.A.
Via IV Novembre 29
51034, Serravalle Pistoiese
Pistoia, Italy
Partita IVA 00089860472
Tel. +39 0573·1916301
Calata Cattaneo, 15
Edificio Millo,
16128, Genova
Via Quintino Sella, 15
00187, Roma
Carl-Benz-Str. 1
68167 Mannheim